New Employment Opportunities Program (NEO)

The County of Fresno Department of Social Services (DSS) is committed to developing employment opportunities for County residents through a number of strategies including the County’s New Employment Opportunities Program (NEO). DSS can offer employers who hire DSS Welfare-to-Work clients assistance with a number of hiring strategies in addition to subsidizing employment. The following services are available to qualified employers for DSS clients hired:

  • Employee recruitment
  • Employee screening
  • Specialized employee training
  • Employee retention services, including support and engagement of clients, equipment, transportation and child care
  • Wage subsidies up to a year depending on the needs of the DSS client

Initial 26 Weeks
Placement Wage Reimbursement
Week 1-13 100%
Week 14-26 75%

Potential for two 13 Week Extensions
Placement Wage Reimbursement
Week 27-39 50%
Week 40-52 25%

Look to us for job ready employees. Think of us as your one-stop source for job-ready applicants. Job candidates go through an array of education and training courses to gain the skills needed for success in the job market. If you are Ready to Hire, we have people Ready to Work!

Need More Info? Contact Us Today!