Local Incentives
Take advantage of several local incentives that are available to businesses in Fresno County. Our Business Development team is always here to help.
PG&E Economic Development Rate (EDR)
Qualifying businesses in Fresno County will receive a 25% Enhanced Rate reduction on their monthly electricity costs. The EDR is a five year program designed for businesses with energy loads of 150 kW/month or greater and are considering:
- locating within California and have other out-of-state options,
- relocating from California to other states, OR
- closing their existing California operations.
Fresno Economic Expansion Act
Various tax/revenue sharing incentives for large job-generating projects.
- Reduction and Abatement of Development Impact Fees
- Reimbursement for Off-site Improvements from Project Generated Revenue
- Project Revenue Sharing
- Other customized options available
County of Fresno Department of Public Works & Planning
County of Fresno Fee Deferral Program
Qualifying job producing projects may defer 75% the County’s Plan Review/Building fees, with a maximum of $50,000 deferment per project.
- Fees are repaid 25% annually over three years.
- Project must create at least 20 full-time jobs, directly or indirectly.
County of Fresno Department of Public Works & Planning
City of Fresno iDifer program will reduce or eliminate development impact fees for qualifying industrial and large office job producing development projects.
For more information, contact City of Fresno, Larry Westerlund (559) 621-8355
Fresno Green Incentives
Planning entitlement fee reduction of 25% and 20% minor deviation from development standards (i.e., parking, setbacks, etc.) for businesses building green; constructing buildings and communities that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
City of Kingsburg – New Development Incentives
- 25% reduction for City Development Impact Fees Capital Facilities Fees
- 50% rebate of City’s portion of real estate property taxes for three years
- 50% rebate of City’s share of sales taxes for three years
Click to view available properties at the Kingsburg Business Park
City of Clovis – Core Area Fee Reduction
First year waiver for retailers located along Shaw Avenue corridor in existing vacant buildings. Incentive expires in 2020 or until funds are exhausted.
For more information, contact City of Clovis, Shawn Miller (559) 324-2083
City of Clovis – Business Tax Certificate Fee Waiver
Reduction of development impact fees for in-fill development in the predesignated core area. In specific cases, fees can be reduced by as much as 70%.
For more information, contact City of Clovis, Shawn Miller (559) 324-2083
City of Sanger – Industrial Development Incentive
City of Sanger will reduce or eliminate development impact fees for development projects created on industrially zoned sites. Development impact fees may also be deferred and financed for a period of up to 10 years by the City of Sanger.
For more information, contact City of Sanger, Dan Spears (559) 577-9555
Fresno Energy Watch