Executive Will Oliver President/CEO (559) 476-2518 woliver@fresnoedc.com Mohamed Hussin VP of Administration (559) 476-2507 mhussin@fresnoedc.com Paul Thorn Controller, Business and Finance (559) 476-2512 pthorn@fresnoedc.com Chris Zeitz VP of Workforce Development (559) 476-2505 czeitz@fresnoedc.com Lauren Nikkel Director of Business Services (559) 721-2241 lnikkel@fresnoedc.com Julian Ramos Client Services Manager (559) 476-2511 jramos@fresnoedc.com Staff Spencer Bremer Research Analyst (559) 476-2509 sbremer@fresnoedc.com Alysha Castro Business Retention Specialist (559) 476-2516 acastro@fresnoedc.com Jackie Cuevas Business Expansion and Retention Coordinator (559) 233-2568 jcuevas@fresnoedc.com Danielle Dixon-Oglesby Workforce Training Coordinator (559) 476-2517 doglesby@fresnoedc.com Michael Duarte Business Development Specialist (559) 476-2513 mduarte@fresnoedc.com Aidan Garaygordobil Employment Retention Specialist (559) 476-2514 agaraygordobil@fresnoedc.com Albert Gonzales Industrial Business Development Specialist (559) 476-2503 agonzales@fresnoedc.com Ray Jones Accountant (559) 476-2510 rjones@fresnoedc.com Kaila Lugo Office Administrator (559) 476-2500 klugo@fresnoedc.com Cody Laird Economic Development Specialist (559) 476-2508 claird@fresnoedc.com Marcella Lara Employer Engagement Specialist (559) 369-7713 cdelarosa@fresnoedc.com Merritt Pacini Executive Assistant to the CEO (559) 476-2501 mpacini@fresnoedc.com Marlyn Rolon Lopez Training Program Analyst (559) 369-7713 mlopez@fresnoedc.com Malee Vang Social Care Coordinator (559) 369-7712 maleevang@fresnoedc.com Mai See Vang-Hernandez Program Coordinator (559) 233-2564 mvang@fresnoedc.com Ross Williams Research Analyst (559) 476-2520 rwilliams@fresnoedc.com